Day three
Day three is over in a flash. I feel as if I’ve had my head down and getting on with things all day, so it was great to have a very fun pairing break with Priya. I finished the Java Koans this morning, which felt good. I think I understand all the concepts introduced, but I know that tackling them in a koan and using them in a project are very different things, so I’m sure that when I begin more complex Java adventures, my understanding will be challenged. I also feel like I’ve been getting a better handle on IntelliJ so that, along with a growing familiarity with Java syntax, by the end of the morning I was feeling better prepared to tackle a Java Kata.
I began with the Prime Factors Kata, using Uncle Bob’s very gentle walkthrough. I ran through it once to get used to testing with IntelliJ and JUnit syntax, then a few more times without the walkthrough’s guidance, just so I felt as if I knew what I was doing, and then began trying to get it more fluid. I did wonder if it would be more beneficial to try another kata to see what I had really learnt and what I was just remembering from the walkthrough, but Skim told me it would be better to keep on with Prime Factors, trying to get it faster. I’ve never really tried to do this before, practiced the same kata over and over for the purpose of speed and rhythm, and I’ve never thought about how that would be beneficial, but now I can see how it’s going to help me on many levels. Firstly, if I can get this kata so familiar that I don’t even have to think of the syntax of writing a test, there’s no way that’s not going to be useful in the future. Secondly, it’s going to force me to learn a whole host of useful IntelliJ shortcuts. Thirdly, and maybe most importantly, it’s going to really cement the rhythm of red, green, refactor. If I can get to a place when I know the next step by instinct then, I hope, with every project I work on, that rhythm will be ingrained. Another lesson learnt today: my mentors always know best.
I’m sure there are other benefits that I haven’t thought of yet. This is new territory for me, and it’s exciting. Today, for me, was all about larning Java, and I feel like I really made progress there, but tomorrow will be more about learning new skills. I feel like this week has been a different challenge every day, which is amazing. So with speed on the mind, I’ll finish my blog post for today, and watch some really fast coding.