Day nineteen
I am greedy. I always have been. I am greedy with knowledge. I want it all, and I want to push it into my brain as fast as I can until it hurts. I’ve already mentioned on this blog how much I am enjoying my apprenticeship and how lucky I feel to be here. I get to feed my brain as much as I can every day. But learning doesn’t stop when I leave the office or, at least, it doesn’t have to. In London, there is a plethora of meetups, pairing oppertunities, talks and events all designed to keep us learning, and I’m not utilising this network enough. When first starting the apprenticeship, I gave myself time to settle in. I feel more settled now, and am ready to really start exploring what the London coding community has to offer me.
But, as I said before, I am greedy. There are so many oppertunities to gain new knowledge, and these are facilitated by the many people being incredibley generous with their time and expertise, but this is a community and community only works when you share and, despite my gluttony, I have a real desire to give back. I am learning so much, so fast, an oppertunity not everyone has, and I want to share that with others. I want to be more active in this amazing community, and not just taking the all the learning that I can, but, hopefully, teaching someone something new. So that’s what I’m doing, trying to find meetups and groups that I feel that I can contribute too, but also learn from. There are skills that I want to practice too. I hate public speaking, I always have, so I’m trying to force myself to do it, in the hope that some day I’m not quite so terrified of it. I’ve never really taught anyone, which is a skill in itself, and one I would like to develop. So, as much as I do want to give back to the community, I’m still being greedy doing it. I can’t help it.