Day thirty-two
There is so much that I want to do, sometimes is overwhelmes me. There is, of course, the stories I want to complete in the week, the blog posts I want to write, the talks I want to prepare, the concepts I want to research and the side projects I want to work on. Last week I felt like I didn’t have time to do as much as I wanted because of my underestimation of my stories. This week it’s because of my calendar. I went to a talks night on Tuesday, codebar this evening, I’ll stay late to pair tomorrow and Friday is my mum’s birthday. I enjoy feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day, it’s so much more enjoyable than a week that drags, but some weeks I wish I could stop time, just for a few hours, so that I could write a really detailed blog post on algorithms.
So I’m afraid today will be another not so detailed blog post on my day. I added the option to replay my Tic Tac Toe game, and started working on my 4x4 board. I spent some time continuing the data structures and algorithms course, and then I coached someone through the codebar introduction to git course.
I have a list in the back of my notebook of all the things I want to learn, research and blog about. This list grows every week at a far greater pace than I can tick it off. Sometimes this is frustrating, mostly it is exciting. There is so much I want to learn. I encounter something almost daily that excites me, confuses me or interests me enough to write it down with the intent of coming back to it. That’s amazing. That’s one of the reasons I love to code.
I guess all I’m really saying is that I’m still struggling to find balance. I’ve really enjoyed everything I’ve done this week, I’ve learnt a lot and, hopefully, helped someone else learn too. I wouldn’t want to give that up in order to spend the evening working on my own project because I believe it benefits me more to go to these events. I do feel, however, that not every week will be like this week and last week. Some weeks I won’t have time to work on my projects, some weeks I will.
So far this week I’ve added a few things to my list for blog posts. Yesterday was SOLID principles and design principles, today is package principles and side affects. I’d also like to do a deeper investigation of Java 8, especially streams and the different types of algorithms so whilst I don’t have time to write those today, I know that it won’t be too long until I do.